A portion of our property is covered with trees and three ponds. We have a good view of it from our living and dining room windows. Every now and again one of us might spot some movement between the trees. This is always very exciting as we try to ascertain what exactly it was that we saw. We have seen some woodpeckers, red cardinals, bunnies, ducks, squirrels and sometimes a hawk would come swooping through the trees. Our back yard is occasionally graced by the presence of a blue heron and the most beautiful deer. At one point in time a whole herd was just grazing on the field grass and slowly made their way past our house and across the road.
I love this time of year and we plan to spend as much time outdoors as we possibly can.
This evening Rowan enjoyed some time playing in the sand again, but this time he learnt something new. Richard taught him how to build sand castles and our little guy was so impressed! Taking photos was quite tricky for as soon as the bucket was lifted and the mound of molded dirt was revealed it was struck down by the hand of Rowan in a matter of I think maybe 2 milliseconds. The undeniable look of satisfaction on Rowan's face was precious.
Yeah, a pea, mine haven't come up yet, and as I am an impatient gardener I planted another row, just in case the last ones won't make it. but then I dug and little, and yes, they are on their way... Too bad Steve hates peas (bad childhood memory of finishing his plate before playing) we will have a bunch...anke