Saturday, September 5, 2009

Another walk through a beautiful park and I feel compelled to tell you about it. Now I know you might be thinking: "Oh Elaine, give it up already. Seen it!" and I am tempted to agree with you, but you see, it is so very important to me to acknowledge these moments that we spend together as a family, exploring and experiencing the natural world, for these are the moments where we feel most connected to each other and to this amazing world of ours.

I have always enjoyed visiting new places, be they natural, man-made or both. At my core I am the observer. As I walk through this world and encounter new places and people I am most likely to find a comfortable spot, look around and listen. I take it all in. Then, when I have the courage, I might report on what I have seen through some writing, a drawing, painting or a photograph.

I am so grateful to have found a partner that is eager to take me on these wonderful journeys and for us to be able to share it with our son is a privilege.

There is something very special about taking a little boy along with you on a walk like this. He looks at the world in a different way and forces you to look at it anew. He is the one that notices the smaller less traveled path off to side and wants to go there immediately. He is the one that stops to hear that bird call. He is the one that stood next to me today and, as we gazed up to the glittering ceiling of leaves above some very tall trees, said: "Wow!" with awe oozing out of him.

So today, as we stepped on rocks, pebbles, sticks and leaves and heard the thump, thump, thump of our feet across the wooden bridge, I felt at peace and thought to myself: "I have finally learnt how to live."

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  1. Where'd you go? Bee-yu-ti-ful pictures!
    BTW, thanks for the comment on my blog. Touche. Point taken.

    I was so annoyed that Shad had messed around with some settings and all of my italics had disappeared on that post! So, sorry you had to read it in that condition. I fixed it.

  2. Hey Lynn, thanks. We went to Yellow Springs for the day and it was the first time we actually bothered going to look at the springs that the town was named after. It's a nice hike too.

  3. Absolutely incredibly beautiful!
