Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rowan was having fun with our cat, Mia this morning by pushing her around the house in a box. When Mia finally got the nerve to jump out of the fast moving box, Rowan's Gran made another plan for a fun game. In just a short while the box was outfitted with a strong and super long shoelace and voila! Entertainment for Rowan for at least a day. He ran around and around our kitchen, playroom, entry and dining area as fast as he could dragging the box behind him. It was great fun and taking photos of this event was challenging.

Later in the evening when Richard came home the game changed a bit. Rowan was now being dragged along by his father. As Rowan was seated in the box, he could then drag his cars along the ground with him. This might just be the most energy efficient way of playing with a toy car that I have ever seen - energy efficient for Rowan that is. Ooh, and then you can attach the box to your bike too. What fun!

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