Monday, June 7, 2010

A Mountain of Work/Fun

We have taken on a huge project again and Rowan could not be more happy. Somehow seeing his father slaving away, laying brick by brick, hour after hour, doesn't bother him one little bit. In fact he loves being able to help out and then of course there is all that raw material that usually ends up in one big lump somewhere in our back yard. This one is made up of small stones ranging from fine to the that size that can only be described as just right to collect and throw.

Exploring this mountain took on many different forms:

At the first stage of exploration willing hands, some good boots, a shovel and wheelbarrow came in very handy.

The bike was then brought in to load up the cargo for more energy efficient transport.

Then he had to test the 1 x 3 wheel capabilities of the trike. Needless to say it didn't make it to the top of the mountain. The crash tests were done several times though just to make sure that they really were as fun as he had imagined them to be.

The last crash brought Rowan's attention to his shadow and he spent a couple of minutes admiring his build cast so masterfully onto the mountain rising in front of him. Suddenly his shadowy friend had more of a presence than ever before.

Soon the adventure called again and off he went. He seems to be quite a careful explorer though. Here you see him throwing the pebbles to the top of the mound and watching them tumble down.

I guess he figured the risk was low and made it up the mound himself.

"Yay!" at the top. "I did it!"

So we spent the rest of the morning running up and down and up and down and... well, you get the idea.

The mound has slowly been shrinking over the last few weeks and I am happy to say that soon our outdoor eating area will be firmly established and ready to host many many years of fun family togetherness.
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