Monday, January 11, 2010

That's what he said!

The new year is less than two weeks old and already I have broken a promise to you. Yes, I missed two days of blogging. The first time was because I was out having fun with a friend during the time I normally would have written a post. The next day was Sunday and after a very nice and relaxed weekend I didn't feel like writing. So sorry folks.

Rowan went back to school again today and seemed to have enjoyed it. I am never really sure though since he is now in the habit of saying yes to every question I ask him when I pick him up from school. "Hi my boy! Did you have fun at school today?" "Yes!" he says with half a smile. "Did you get to play outside today?" "Yes." "That must have been cold. Did you wear your gloves?" "Yes." "Did you do any painting or drawing?" "Yes." As it turns out they didn't actually play outside and he didn't do any drawing.

So what exactly do I make of that? Does he not understand what I am asking him? Does he not know the difference between yes or no? Perhaps he has noticed that the word, yes has much better results than no when directed at your mother. He could also just be tired and feel like he should at least say something to please his Mom wether or not it actually relates to the question. Or could it be possible that he has learnt from his Dad that the only way to keep Mom happy is to say yes and agree with everything she says? My guess is that he is too busy settling into the comfort of his carseat with his goldfish crackers in one hand and a bottle of water in the other thinking to himself: "Ah! Now if only I could have some peace and quite around here. Yes (out loud). That would be great. Yes (out loud again). Let's go home. Yes (out loud again). I can't wait to play with my trucks." And all the while Mom is smiling feeling confident that the boy has had a lovely day of playing, drawing and painting because that's what he said.
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  1. Don't beat yourself up, I thought you were taking weekends off anyway. Maybe Rowan has also decided not to use the word 'no' like you were trying. :-)

  2. YOu could try to avoid the yes/no dilemma with asking "open ended questions".
    -what did you do at school today?
    -what kind of craft or play did you do?
    -which truck did you play with?

    He has to come up with the answer, instead of just saying yeas or no.

    Good luck! Anke
