Sunday, July 5, 2009

This weekend was a long weekend because of Independence day here in the US. It is a much anticipated holiday characterised by big parades, fireworks displays, good food and good company. We unfortunately missed the parade and fireworks display - not for a lack of trying - you can ask Richard more about that ;) We did however enjoy some great American food (burgers on the grill) and good company too. Our friends, Vince and Tricia, invited us over to their house to celebrate this special day with their family (our adopted American family.) It was great to see everybody in good health and good spirits. Rowan made some new friends and had a chance to swim with everyone in a big swimming pool. I was surprised and pleased to see just how comfortable Rowan has become in the water.

Today we had some sunshine and as you can see in the photograph below, Rowan soaked it all up as he played in his sandbox and swam in his pool.

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